Board 2024-2025


Presidence: Julien Saint-Pol (LBHE UR2465, Université d’Artois, Lens)

Vice-presidence: Candice Chapouly (Université de Bordeaux, INSERM, Biology of Cardiovascular Diseases, U1034, Pessac)

Secretary: Xavier Declèves (UMR_S1144, Université Paris Cité, Faculté de Pharmacie de Paris) 

Vice Secretary: Romane Gaston-Breton (CEA, Paris - Saclay)

                                Julie Guignot (Institut Cochin, Paris)

Treasurer: Milena Salerno (UMR 7244 CNRS, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Vice Treasurer: Christel Marquette (Biosanté, UMR 1292 INSERM-CEA-UGA, Équipe MAB2, Grenoble)

                              Caroline Mysiorek (LBHE UR2465, Université d’Artois, Lens)

Steering Committee

Jérôme Badaut

Pierre-Emmanuel Ceccaldi

Martine Cohen-Salmon

Xavier Declèves

Jean-François Ghersi Egea

Fabien Gosselet

Julie Guignot

Christel Marquette

Florence Miller

Caroline Mysiorek

Nicolas Perrière

Milena Salerno

Nathalie Strazielle

Julien Saint Pol

Nicolas Tournier



Since its creation in 1991 by Jeanne-Marie Lefauconnier and François Lasbennes, the blood-brain barrier club (BBB club) promoted a strong network between research groups working in the BBB field. Members of the club met every year to present and share their works. The club was then headed by Pr. Lasbennes with the help of Pr. Françoise Roux as a secretary. In 2008, the BBB club became the Society for the Study of Blood-Brain Interfaces (SEISC in french) which was headed by Pr. Lasbennes until 2011. Jean-Claude Thierry was the first treasurer of the association until 2011.


 Past-President: François Lasbennes

 Past-Secretary: Françoise Roux


Société d'étude des interfaces Sang Cerveau - Society for the study of Blood-Brain interfaces
